

Carrer Doctor Aiguader 88
Barcelona 08003
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Team Leader

Dr. Mara Dierssen

Group Leader/Neurobiologist
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Team Members

Dr. Maria Martinez de Lagran

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Dr. Ilario De Toma

Post-Doc/Molecular Biology
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Institute Presentation

The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) is an international biomedical research institute of excellence, created in December 2000. It is a non-profit foundation funded by the Catalan Government through the Departments of Business & Knowledge, the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation & Universities, the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation, and includes the participation of Pompeu Fabra University. The mission of the CRG is to discover and advance knowledge for the benefit of society, public health and economic prosperity. This requires an interdisciplinary scientific team focused on understanding the complexity of life from the genome to the cell to a whole organism and its interaction with the environment, offering an integrated view of genetic diseases.

CRG will lead WP7 and will actively participate in WPs 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. As lead of WP7, Dr. Dierssen, who is also the president of the Trisomy 21 Research Society (T21RS), will put her strong connections with patients’ associations to use. The Dierssen’s lab will perform the microbiomic analysis in human and mice bio-samples in collaboration with Microomics as part of WP4 and WP5; will study the influence of global Hsa21 gene dosage and diet/exercise/stress on comorbidity as part of WP2; will be involved in the validation of the role of hypothesis-driven genes in the co-morbidity between obesity and intellectual disability as part of WP3; and will contribute to WP6 by performing a meta-analysis of existing DS human and mouse datasets.

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